Anubias barteri var. glabra
Anubias barteri var. glabra is a striking freshwater plant known for its longer, slender leaves and robust growth. This unique variety adds an elegant, elongated aesthetic to aquascapes, making it a great midground or background plant in both large and small tanks. Its hardy nature and low maintenance needs make it ideal for aquarists of all skill levels.
- Appearance: Features smooth, lance-shaped leaves with a vibrant green hue, growing from a thick rhizome. Its upright growth pattern creates a beautiful contrast with broader-leafed plants.
- Light Requirement: Low to medium light; adapts well to shaded areas, helping to minimize algae issues.
- Growth Rate: Moderate; slightly faster than other Anubias varieties but still requires minimal upkeep.
- Care Level: Easy; can be attached to rocks, driftwood, or other hardscapes (ensure the rhizome remains above the substrate to prevent rot).
- Tank Compatibility: Great for freshwater community tanks, especially with shrimp, snails, and peaceful fish species. Herbivorous fish tend to avoid it due to its tough leaves.
- Water Parameters: pH 6.0-7.5 | Temperature 72-82°F (22-28°C)
Anubias barteri var. glabra adds height and elegance to any aquascape. Its hardy nature, combined with its attractive leaf structure, makes it an excellent plant for creating depth and dimension in aquariums. Whether used as a focal plant or a complementary addition to driftwood or rockwork, this versatile plant brings life and beauty to aquatic environments.