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Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi)


Known for their dazzling blue and red stripes, Neon Tetras bring an unmistakable vibrancy to any aquarium. These small, peaceful fish are a staple in freshwater community tanks, captivating aquarists with their lively schooling behavior and eye-catching colors. Neon Tetras are best kept in groups of ten or more, where they feel secure and display their most active, natural behaviors.


These tetras thrive in well-planted tanks with gentle lighting and a slightly shaded environment, mimicking their natural habitat in the calm waters of South America. Due to their small size and peaceful nature, they do best with other gentle tank mates and can even share space with shrimp and other small, non-aggressive species.


Here are the ideal water parameters for Neon Tetras:


Temperature: 70-81°F (21-27°C)

pH: 6.0-7.0

Hardness: 1-10 dGH


With their resilience and stunning appearance, Neon Tetras are perfect for beginner and seasoned aquarists alike, adding a shimmering splash of color to community tanks!



  • Flakes/pellets
  • frozen food (bloodworms, brineshrimp)
  • live white worms 


Good Tank Mates: 

  • Angelfish
  • discus 
  • snails
  • corys 
  • shrimp
  • plecos
  • other tetras
  • and much more! 


Neon Tetra

fish will be shipped out 2 weeks after preorder

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