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Assassin Snails – Natural Pest Control with a Killer Look

The Assassin Snail (Clea helena) is a unique freshwater snail that’s as functional as it is fascinating. Known for its striking yellow-and-brown spiral shell, this snail isn’t just eye-catching — it’s a natural predator of pest snails like bladder, ramshorn, and pond snails. If you’re tired of battling a snail infestation, the Assassin Snail is your secret weapon.

Why Choose Assassin Snails?

  • Natural Pest Control: They hunt and eat pest snails, helping you maintain a balanced tank population.
  • No Overpopulation: Assassin Snails reproduce slowly, laying individual eggs that take weeks to hatch.
  • Stunning Appearance: Their bright yellow shell with brown spiral stripes adds visual appeal to any tank.

Breeding Behavior

Unlike pest snails that produce large egg clutches, Assassin Snails lay single eggs on hard surfaces like rocks or driftwood. These eggs hatch slowly, and baby snails grow at a gradual pace, so there’s no risk of an overwhelming population explosion.

Care Tips

  • Tank Size: 10 gallons or more.
  • Water Conditions: 75-82°F (24-28°C) with a pH of 7.0-8.0.
  • Diet: Pest snails are their main prey, but they’ll also eat meaty fish foods, frozen bloodworms, and sinking pellets.

With their natural pest control abilities, slow breeding rate, and distinctive shell design, Assassin Snails are a practical yet stylish addition to freshwater tanks. They keep nuisance snails in check while adding beauty and intrigue to your aquarium.

Assassin Snails



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