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Red Onion Snails – Stunning Shells, Clean Tanks, and No Overpopulation

The Red Onion Snail (Tylomelania sp.) is a one-of-a-kind freshwater snail known for its rich red, onion-like shell and smooth, elongated body. Hailing from the lakes of Sulawesi, Indonesia, these snails add natural beauty to any tank while helping to keep it clean. Unlike pest snails, they won't overpopulate your aquarium, as their breeding habits are slow and controlled.

Why Choose Red Onion Snails?

  • Natural Tank Cleaners: They consume algae, leftover food, and biofilm, supporting tank health and water clarity.
  • Striking Appearance: Their deep red shell adds a bold visual accent to planted tanks.
  • No Overpopulation: Red Onion Snails reproduce slowly and give birth to just one live baby at a time, so you’ll never have a snail explosion.

Breeding Behavior

Unlike common snails that lay clutches of eggs, Red Onion Snails are livebearers, giving birth to one fully developed baby at a time. This slow reproductive process ensures a stable population in your tank. Breeding occurs naturally in stable, clean water conditions, but don’t expect large batches of baby snails — their slow reproduction rate is part of their charm.

Care Tips

  • Tank Size: 10 gallons or more.
  • Water Conditions: 75-82°F (24-28°C) with a pH of 7.5-8.5 to support healthy shell growth.
  • Diet: Algae, biofilm, uneaten fish food, and calcium-rich supplements for shell strength.

With their controlled breeding, peaceful nature, and stunning appearance, Red Onion Snails are a low-maintenance addition to freshwater tanks. They stay busy cleaning algae while their vibrant red shells provide a visual pop of color. Perfect for aquarists who want beauty, utility, and peace of mind — no overpopulation guaranteed.

Red Onion Snail



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