Zebra Nerite Snail – Striking Stripes and Ultimate Algae Eater
The Zebra Nerite Snail (Neritina natalensis) is one of the most popular freshwater snails, known for its bold black-and-gold striped shell that adds a unique, natural aesthetic to any aquarium. Beyond its looks, it’s a powerhouse algae eater that helps keep your tank spotless.
Why Choose Zebra Nerite Snails?
- Algae Control: They consume algae on glass, rocks, and plants without harming live plants.
- No Overpopulation: Nerite Snails need brackish water to reproduce, so they won’t flood your tank with babies.
- Low Maintenance: Hardy, peaceful, and self-sufficient, they fit into nearly any freshwater setup.
Breeding Behavior
Unlike pest snails, Zebra Nerite Snails won't breed in freshwater. While you may notice tiny white egg capsules on surfaces, they won’t hatch unless in brackish water, making them a worry-free choice for those concerned about overpopulation.
Care Tips
- Tank Size: 5 gallons or more.
- Water Conditions: 72-78°F (22-26°C) with a pH of 7.5-8.5 to maintain strong shell health.
- Diet: Primarily algae, but they’ll also eat biofilm and leftover fish food if algae is scarce.
With their striking stripes, unmatched algae-eating ability, and inability to overpopulate, Zebra Nerite Snails are a perfect addition to any tank. These peaceful, low-maintenance snails bring both beauty and utility to your aquatic world.